Exhibitions / Art Fair
Part of the "body remains" new project will be shown at the Art Fair in Amsterdam, September 2024.
"brute" - exhibition at FotoNostrum Gallery, Barcelona, Spain, starts in November/December 2024.
Art Fair in Tokyo, November 2024.
FotoNostrum Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Exhibition date: 04.04. - 14.04.2024
Artwork: "rumors on fire"
Muzeu Martim de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Exhibition date: 24-25.11.2023
Artworks: Woman series: "young woman resting on the grass" (v. spider hairpin), "woman in bath", "surprised woman"
"Rome Art Expo "
Palazzo Velli Expo, Rome, Italy
Exhibition date: 04-08.11.2023
Artwork: "young woman resting on the grass" (v. spider hairpin) from Woman series
"What moves art today" exhibition
PAKS gallery by the castle Heidenreichstein, Austria
Exhibition date: 06.10. - 19.12.2023
Artwork: "divided 11/11"
"Contemporary Art and artists" exhibition
PAKS gallery, Munich, Germany
Exhibition date: 15.03.2023 -09.09.2023
Artwork: "divided 11/11"
19th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards,
FotoNostrum Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Exhibition date: 21.04. - 07.05.2023
Artworks: "double Gin"
Woman's Essence Show
Labo 6/2, Berlin, Germany
28-30.04.2023 (Berlin Gallery Weekend)
Artwork: "young woman resting on the grass" (v. spider hairpin) from Woman series
Canvas International Art Fair, Visions
Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello. Venice, Italy
4 artworks from "new (old) world" project: "storm", "ship in the morning", "sunset", "fog over the forest"
“We Are Reversal” project, MUSA PAVILION during 59th Biennale di Venezia
Palazzo Pisani-Revedin, Venice, Italy
9.08 -15.08.2022
Artwork: "divided 11/11”
FotoNostrum Gallery Exhibition,
Barcelona, Spain
17.03.2022 - 07.05.2022
The mystery of disclosure project (2012-2015): my inside, silent scream, time of my wall, child ... emptiness, my friend - death, half v.long, mother of God v. small, girl, different look - uterus matris, different look - collum, different look - tergum.
Venice International Art Fair,
Misericordia Archives, Venice, Italy
16.12.2021 - 10.01.2022
The mystery of disclosure project (2012-2015): half v.long, different look - tergum, child ... emptiness, silent scream, different look - uterus matris, my friend - death.